Deputy Minister, Vice Chairman, Son Phuoc Hoan meets the independent evaluation mission of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Ireland

11:19 AM 18/08/2017 Views: 2085 Print

Attending the meeting are the representatives of CEMA’s Leaders on the Coordination Office Program 135, Ethnic Policy Department, Office of CEMA, the Department of Planning and Finance, and the International Cooperation Department. On the side of  the Independent evaluation mission, there are Laura Leonard - Vice President of the Board of Audit and Evaluation, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Ireland as head of the working-group and the independent consultants, the staffs of the program under the Poverty Reduction owned by Embassy of Ireland in Vietnam.

At the meeting, the two parties togetherexchange and evaluatethe achievement that Ireland has supported poverty reduction of ethnic minorities in Vietnam in the recent years.

Appreciating the support of the Irish Government on poverty reduction and development in Vietnam in general, ethnic minorities in particular, Deputy Minister, ViceChairman Son Phuoc Hoan affirmed that the directbudgetary and technical aid from the Government of Ireland has played an important role in poverty reduction strategies and socio-economic development - in ethnic minority areas with special difficulties of Vietnam. The Irish government has cooperated with CEMA and the ministries bring openness, transparency, participation to enhance the role of the grass-roots level people of the project from preparation to implementation, supervision, monitoring, evaluation and modification towards policy mechanism for people to access resources at a high level.

The subsidies from the Irish Governmenthave been strictly managed by The Government of Vietnam in compliance with the provisions of the budget law of Vietnam and aid commitments. Quarterly and annually,these subsidies are tested, evaluated, audited in order to adjust appropriately in managing and directing the implementation. The review team will recognize and appreciate the management of aid by the Government of Vietnam.  In coordination between CEMAand Irish Aid in Vietnam develop mechanisms for monitoring and evaluating the annual and quarterevaluation to share information, time- adjustment about the inadequacies in the implementation  in reagard to ensure effectiveness management of funds of the Irish.

The aid from Ireland is to ensure the diversity both budget support, direct support of programs, projects and technical assistance .Thereby it improves awareness, change perceptions for planners policies and beneficiaries. In addition to supporting the CEMA, Ireland play a role on promoting donors, other development partners to support ethnic minorities in Vietnam and mobilize active participation of the development work in the field of poverty reduction in ethnic minorities. Currently, the development partners have been building the programs and projects to support ethnic minorities in Vietnam.

Deputy Minister, Vice Chairman,Son Phuoc Hoan acknowledging the contribution of Ireland is not only about finance and technology, but also the voice and influence of the Irish in the work of poverty reduction in ethnic minorities. Irish co-chaired withthe working group of the development partner on minorities, Ireland has coordinated the development partners proceed Vietnam development partners for the years 2013-2015 for the content reduced poor ethnic minority areas. The results of the working group on ethnic minorities with the CEMA and the ministries have appriciated on the quality and feasibility by the Government and partners .

Deputy Minister emphasizing the cooperation between the CEMA and Ireland in the recent years has achieved good results. CEMA has welcomed many a working visit of the Irish delegation, including the delegation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Ireland and Union Finance Commission of the National Assembly Ireland. The working visit have good results and contribute to strengthen the diplomatic relationship between the two countries.

Currently, Ireland is involved actively with the development partners in support for the CEMA building 135 Programme on the period 2016-2020, including collaboration with the development partners in building the framework process and documentation on community empowerment, flexibility. based on assessment of lessons learned from the last stage and the lessons learned from the model of the project by development partners perform. Above results will contribute to enhance the effectiveness of programs and policies for poverty reduction in ethnic minorities.

Deputy Minister, Vice Chairman , Son Phuoc Hoan also suggested, during the period of 2016-2020, the Irish continue to prioritize in support for poverty reduction Vietnam's ethnic minority areas, focusing on some key content such as: Support financing for the infrastructure projects in the extremely difficult communes under Programme 135; technical support for the CEMA in the formulation, planning and management policies, P135, programmes, projects ethnic minority areas.

Speaking at the meeting, Laura Leonard, deputy director of the Board of Audit and Evaluation - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Ireland, said that this is the last one of the final evaluation process of country assistance strategies of Ireland in Vietnam in 2011-2015. Laura Leonard appreciated highly efficiently the implementation of aid by the Government of Ireland in Programme 135, as well as specific analyzing, evaluation about the results of the implementation of aid for ethnic minority areas Vietnam's last period. Through the above information provided to the independent expert,useful information and complementary to the previous assessment in Vietnam,from those information,lessons are learned and the strategy implementation program is outlined in the next phase.

Deputy Minister, Vice Chairman , Son Phuoc Hoan  has some souvenirs for the independent assessment mission on the occasion of working in the Committee for Ethnic Minorities and take souvenir photos with the mission. 


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